
Volare presents the first autonomous microbus in South America

Built on the Volare Attack 8 model, the minibus is a pioneer on the continent. The vehicle was designed in collaboration with Lume Robotics to travel on closed circuits at low speed.

14 June 2023

Volare, in collaboration with Lume Robotics, has presented the first autonomous microbus in South America. The vehicle, based on the Volare Attack 8 model, has been designed to operate completely autonomously in closed circuits at low speed. The project, which has received financial support from the Espiritu Santo Research and Innovation Support Foundation, has been developed for two years in collaboration with national companies.


El microbús autónomo tiene capacidad para 21 pasajeros y utiliza tecnología programable que permite una operación eficiente, reduciendo el consumo de combustible y las emisiones de contaminantes, además de ofrecer un alto nivel de seguridad y comodidad. El prototipo ha sido equipado con un avanzado sistema robótico que le permite viajar de forma autónoma en situaciones específicas, como los circuitos cerrados de baja velocidad.

El proyecto ha sido considerado un hito tecnológico y una mejora en la seguridad y eficiencia operativa de los sistemas de movilidad. Además, ha posicionado a Brasil como uno de los países que dominan la tecnología autónoma en el hemisferio sur.

El prototipo ha sido sometido a pruebas desde diciembre de 2022, habiendo realizado la primera evaluación en un entorno operativo real en marzo de 2023 en una empresa siderúrgica. El éxito de estas pruebas demuestra el potencial de innovación de la ingeniería nacional y coloca al país en el selecto grupo de naciones que estudian la viabilidad de la tecnología autónoma.


The autonomous minibus can be applied to other Marcopolo buses as long as they have automatic transmission. However, the Volare Attack 8 model has been selected due to its versatility and market establishment. All hardware and software are integrated directly into the vehicle and do not require an Internet connection, ensuring the cybersecurity of the prototype.

The vehicle is equipped with electrical and pneumatic control modules, as well as a data processing computer and a set of sensors that allow observation of the surrounding environment. Although they are still in a study phase, more tests and research will be carried out to improve the user experience, passenger safety and the interaction of the minibus with the external environment. The goal is to make this model a reality for the market in the future.